Bartels Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for November, 2021

Reasons You May Want to Install a Garage Heater

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

installing-space-heaterGarages are difficult spaces to heat because they’re often open to the outside with enormous doors and it’s difficult to create effective insulation around them. The heating requirements of a garage make it extraordinarily difficult to connect to the rest of the HVAC system in a home: the standard furnace for a home won’t be able to warm up the garage unless a much larger heater is installed, which would then be overpowered for the rest of the house. Because of these challenges, many homeowners simply don’t heat the garage. 

There are advantages to heating a garage, however, and one of the services we offer as a Mason, OH, HVAC contractor is the installation and service of garage heaters to handle this specific task. We offer several different models of garage heating systems.

Below we’ve listed several reasons you may want to consider having our technicians set up your garage for heating.

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Is Your Furnace Not Working? Here’s Some Steps to Try

Monday, November 8th, 2021

natural-gas-furnace-burnerTime to get ready for winter! We’re already experiencing days dipping down into the ‘40s, and that means your home’s furnace may have already turned on. We recommend you schedule regular maintenance for it if you haven’t already—and we’re the local Mason, OH, HVAC contractor for the job. This maintenance is the best way to prevent your furnace from suddenly stopping during the winter.

Maintenance can’t be 100% effective at preventing problems, however, and you may come across a point this coming season when your furnace stops providing you with heat. You might need to call us to repair the furnace, but below we’ll go over some basic troubleshooting steps to see if there’s a simple reason for the problem.

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