Bartels Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fairfield’

Troubleshooting vs. Repair: Know the Difference When You’ve Got AC Problems

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

We’ve seen countless instances where well-meaning homeowners take DIY AC repair into their own hands, only to end up causing more harm than good. While it’s commendable to want to solve problems on your own, it’s crucial to distinguish between troubleshooting and repair. Understanding the difference can save you time, money, and prevent potential hazards.

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The Benefits of Annual Fall Boiler Tune-Ups

Monday, September 25th, 2023

As the leaves start to change color and the crisp autumn air descends upon us it’s time to think about preparing our homes for the upcoming winter season.

One important factor of winter readiness that often goes overlooked is the annual Fall boiler tune-up in Fairfield, OH. While it may seem like just another item on your to-do list, regular maintenance for your boiler can offer many benefits that go beyond just making sure your home stays warm and comfortable.

Let’s take a look at the advantages of scheduling an annual fall boiler tune-up.

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My Geothermal System Stopped Cooling: What to Do Next?

Monday, March 27th, 2023

Geothermal systems save power and feel like they last forever, so it’s no wonder you made the switch. But it doesn’t mean geothermal units are without faults, and sometimes that means no cooling. Don’t worry—there’s a fix for that.

With your geothermal not cooling in Fairfield, there are a few things that you can do to fix the issue. If not, you’ll need to hire a professional to come and take a look, but let’s do everything we can to prevent that from happening first.

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Signs That Your Furnace Is Struggling

Monday, February 13th, 2023

It’s regularly running, keeping your family warm, and occasionally, it runs into problems.

Your furnace is a key component of your home comfort, but it’s not invulnerable. Eventually, something’s going to break down. The question is, will you be ready when it happens?

You can call for furnace repair in Fairfield, but before that, you should have some idea of what’s going on under the hood (so to speak). Let’s help you find out what’s going on with your furnace so you can anticipate what the repairs will entail.

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Do You Have a Maintenance Plan for Your Commercial HVAC System?

Monday, July 5th, 2021

rooftop-unit-commercialThe HVAC system for your business works for you each day of operations, no matter the weather outside. That’s an amazing amount of stress to place on the heating, cooling, and ventilation systems. You can always call for repairs when you have problems with part of the system, but wouldn’t you rather not have to do that?

Avoiding unnecessary repairs is only one of the reasons why we recommend you arrange for regular maintenance for your commercial HVAC in Fairfield, OH. A maintenance plan for your heating, cooling, and ventilation system is an important part of protecting your investment in this equipment, which is also an investment in the ongoing success of your business. If you have ever had to deal with a failed AC during a summer day, you’ll understand why this is so important. 

Below we’ll go over the benefits of arranging for a maintenance program with our commercial HVAC technicians. 

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Heat Gain—And How You Can Slow It Down in Your House This Summer

Monday, June 7th, 2021

sunshineWhat’s the biggest enemy of your indoor comfort during the summer? If you said “heat,” you’re mostly right. But the heat itself is only part of the problem when it comes to maintaining indoor comfort. The heat getting inside your house, which is called heat gain, is a major reason for discomfort and one that often gets overlooked. As long as the temperature inside your home is lower than the temperature outside it, heat will continue to move indoors. This can make it harder for you to stay comfortable, even with a good air conditioning system. 

In this post, we’re going to look at the heat gain problem and the best ways you can slow it down for better and more inexpensive summer cooling. 

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Want to Skip AC Repairs This Summer? Schedule AC Maintenance!

Monday, April 12th, 2021

air-conditioner-condenser-3D-renderSpringtime! The weather is already warmer, and you may have even turned on your air conditioning system for a few hours to cool down. That’s great because it means we’re nearing the relaxing days of summer.

Now, how often do you want to schedule air conditioning repair in Fairfield, OH this summer? Yes, that’s a trick question. The answer is zero. Nobody wants to need to repair a major appliance in their home, especially not an air conditioner during the summer heat. 

Now, what if we told you that there’s a secret to avoiding the need for AC repairs this summer? And the next summer? Well, it’s not so much a “secret.” It’s more like something people often forget to do. It’s scheduling air conditioning maintenance with professionals during the spring. 

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Managing AC Temperature in Your Home the Best Way

Monday, August 17th, 2020

setting-the-thermostatYou could call this post “Summer Thermostat Best Practices,” although maybe that sounds a bit too business-like. Just think of this post as your short, simple guide to undo some bad habits many homeowners get into when it comes to setting the thermostat.

Have you ever done this? It’s a hot day, and you feel more flushed and sweaty than usual in your house. You go to the thermostat, notice it can go down to 60°F, and think, “I’ll crank this thing and get the maximum cool air from it,” then drop the thermostat setting to that lowest level. A short time later, it’s gotten too cold in the house, so you move the thermostat back up to where it was.

No shame in admitting if you do this. Now please, don’t do it again. This is not only a way to waste power, but it doesn’t reflect how the thermostat works or how your house becomes hot.

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What Can a Professional HVAC Contractor Do That Amateurs Can’t?

Monday, July 6th, 2020

hand-holding-wrenchIf you’re asking this question, you may be on the verge of making a big mistake: hiring a non-professional to fix your AC or install a new one rather than calling a Fairfield, OH, HVAC contractor with proper licensing and credentials—i.e. professionals.

We know why you’re tempted. Amateurs can talk big. They make promises at cut-rate prices, and it sounds like you’ll get a great deal. Hey, they’ve got a truck! And the name of the business is on its side! Maybe they even have a website. It’s going to be fine … right?

Nope, it’s not. Amateur work has serious consequences, because amateurs can’t do what the pros can:

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Is There a Difference in the Heat From a Furnace and a Heat Pump?

Monday, March 30th, 2020

heating-cooling-ventThis is a debate homeowners often face when making a major update to their HVAC system that will replace both the old air conditioning system and the old furnace: should they replace the AC and furnace with another AC and furnace, or should they instead put in a heat pump to handle both heating and cooling?

A quick glance at that question may seem like the answer is simple: a heat pump. If it does both jobs, why not save the time and put in the single unit? But the answer isn’t simple. Heat pumps are more expensive than a standard AC, and they may not be right for all homes. Many people have heard that heat pumps simply can’t stack up when it comes to home heating compared to a furnace, and that they just don’t feel warm enough.

We’re going to look closer at the question of the heat from a furnace vs. a heat pump and provide some answers. The best way to get the detailed answers you need for your home and family is to call our Fairfield, OH, HVAC experts. They’ll guide you to the right system for your needs.

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