Bartels Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Geothermal’

Signs You Need Repairs for Your Geothermal Heat Pump

Monday, May 6th, 2024

We know how important it is to keep your home comfortable year-round. One of the most efficient ways to heat and cool your home is with a geothermal heat pump. These systems are designed to be energy-efficient and reliable, but like any complex system, they can encounter problems over time.

We’ll walk you through the warning signs that you may need geothermal heat pump repair. By recognizing these signs early and calling in a professional, you can keep your system running smoothly and efficiently.

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Why Won’t My Geothermal System Provide Cooling?

Monday, June 5th, 2023

More homes than ever before are discovering the advantages of geothermal heating and cooling. Geothermal heat pumps have the benefits of high energy efficiency and eco-friendliness—and like standard heat pumps, they deliver both heating and cooling.

However, if you’re asking yourself “why is my geothermal not cooling?” because the geothermal isn’t doing the job you expect from it, you may wonder if you made a bad investment. No need to worry: you can rely on our team to find out what’s wrong with your geothermal heat pump and offer the solutions that will get it back to work.

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My Geothermal System Stopped Cooling: What to Do Next?

Monday, March 27th, 2023

Geothermal systems save power and feel like they last forever, so it’s no wonder you made the switch. But it doesn’t mean geothermal units are without faults, and sometimes that means no cooling. Don’t worry—there’s a fix for that.

With your geothermal not cooling in Fairfield, there are a few things that you can do to fix the issue. If not, you’ll need to hire a professional to come and take a look, but let’s do everything we can to prevent that from happening first.

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Why Isn’t My Geothermal System Cooling?

Monday, August 17th, 2015

The middle of August is no time to have a problem with your cooling system, but the truth is that the AC part of your HVAC system is more likely to break when it is working its hardest. But you don’t have to panic or worry when your geothermal system isn’t cooling as it should; all you have to do is pick up the phone and call the geothermal experts at Bartels Heating & Cooling and schedule a repair appointment for your geothermal system in Oxford, OH.

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Reasons to Consider a Geothermal System for Cooling

Monday, May 25th, 2015

Homeowners have more choices than ever when it comes to choosing and installing a whole-home air conditioning system. There are so many choices that it can be confusing to know which type is the best fit for your home and your needs. One of the best ways to determine which system is best for your home is to understand the basics of how a given system works. Today we’re going to talk about geothermal systems, and how they can both cool and heat your home in Oxford, DE.

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How Efficient Is a Geothermal Heat Pump?

Friday, March 20th, 2015

One of the latest trends in energy efficient heating and cooling is the use of geothermal energy. Geothermal heat pumps draw from the thermal energy in the earth to transfer heat to the air in your home for heating, and to move heat back to the earth in the summer. If you decide you want a new geothermal heat pump for your home in West Chester, OH, contact the friendly professionals at Bartels Heating & Cooling. If you’re still concerned about whether geothermal energy is worth the investment, read on.

Many people wonder how much money they will save over time. Of course, we cannot give a definitive answer, as this depends on usage, the size of your household, and a number of other factors, including the cost of electricity in your area. Geothermal heat pumps do still use some amount of electricity in order to move around the air, but this is minimal when compared to the traditional air-source split system air conditioners.

If you had an older conventional split-system AC, then you will likely notice energy savings right away. When you dig deep enough into the ground, the earth remains at a constant temperature, usually around 55 degrees Fahrenheit. This means they may be more effective in cooler weather than heat pumps which pull thermal energy from the air. Water or a water-refrigerant blend moves through an underground loop system to absorb this energy, which is then transferred to the refrigerant in your heat pump.

Furthermore, this system uses far fewer of the earth’s natural resources, which makes it a great system for those who are at all environmentally conscious. The initial cost maybe high, but over a number of years, the savings should compensate for the additional cost. But all of this is only true if you choose a professional for installation. Professional sizing and installation is a vital step in ensuring efficiency and performance. If the unit is over- or undersized, you may use up more energy than you need.

Call the friendly experts at Bartels Heating & Cooling to learn how you can get geothermal heating and cooling in West Chester, OH.

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How Do Geothermal Systems Work?

Thursday, July 10th, 2014

Here is the great secret of geothermal power: if dig down a mere 10 feet beneath the frost line, the Earth’s temperature remains at a steady 55° F. That’s either a “cool” temperature (if you have a blazing hot summer day above) or a “warm” one (if there’s a deep freeze happening above). Either way, it’s a reliable temperature for whatever your home needs to keep it comfortable throughout the year, and you can access this power using a geothermal heat pump.

We think that using a geothermal system in Hamilton, OH is an excellent idea for year-round comfort. At Bartels Heating & Cooling, we’ve installed many geothermal systems that have helped people achieve reliable comfort as well as energy savings. If you think that geothermal may be the best comfort system for your home, give us a call and set up an appointment with us today.

How Geothermal Systems Heat and Cool Your Home

Home geothermal systems are heat pumps, which means they circulate refrigerant between indoor and outdoor elements to move heat from one location to another. To supply a home with heat, the heat pump moves heat from the outside element and releases it to the inside. To cool down a home, the heat pump absorbs heat from inside and releases it outside. Standard heat pumps are “air-source,” which means they absorb and release heat using the air. But geothermal heat pumps are “ground-source”: for half the exchange, they use the steady energy levels of the Earth.

The indoor sections of a geothermal heat pump are similar to those of an air-source one. A coil with refrigerant either absorbs or releases heat, depending on the mode, and a blower circulates the conditioned air thorough the home. However, there is no outdoor “unit.” Instead, the refrigerant (water with anti-freeze in it) circulates through plastic loops buried in the ground deep enough to access the steady 55°F. In heating mode, the loops absorb heat from the ground to take it indoors, and in cooling mode they deposit heat from indoors into the ground.

Because geothermal heat pumps don’t have to combat scorching hot or icy cold air temperatures, they work far more efficiently than other heat pumps. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that a geothermal system can operate 3 to 6 times more efficiently than standard heat pumps. The ground loops have astonishing longevity as well, lasting longer than 50 years.

However, all these advantages won’t mean much if your home isn’t suited to geothermal power. A house requires sufficient space for the coils, and the soil must be the right condition. Before making a choice about heat pumps, call Bartels Heating & Cooling and talk to our specialists in geothermal in Hamilton, OH. We will find the best comfort solution for your home.

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How Geothermal Systems Are Good for the Environment

Friday, April 18th, 2014

We encourage many of our clients to consider installing a geothermal heat pump to manage their needs for heating and cooling their homes. These systems offer numerous advantages to homeowners: energy-efficient operation that saves money every year, immense longevity, quiet operation, and reliable heating power no matter the outdoor temperature during winter.

There are reasons beyond personal comfort and savings to look into geothermal power for your home. Geothermal energy benefits the environment. When you invest in geothermal in Fairfield, OH, you are also making an investment in the rest of the planet. This is an ideal example of “thinking globally, acting locally.”

We can’t fit into this space all the advantages of going geothermal. Call our installation specialists at Bartels Heating & Cooling to find out more and receive answers to all your questions.

Geothermal Systems and the Environment: A Great Partnership

Let’s first look at the very large scale—geothermal power plants vs. coal power plants—to show the improvement that geothermal power can make. A geothermal power plant uses 483 square yards of land per gigawatt hour, while a coal plant uses 4,344 square yards per gigawatt hour. Squeeze this down to your own home, and you can already see how much more efficient geothermal is.

There are two specific reasons your smaller geothermal heat pump can aid the environment:

  • Renewable energy: Fossil fuels, such as oil and natural gas, have limits… but the power of the Earth’s molten core is always present. As you draw heat energy from the ground, you do not “use it up.” It’s always there as long as the planet core is burning. (Should it stop, we’ll have bigger problems on our hands than running heat pumps.) With a geothermal system, you’ll reduce our planet’s dependence on limited fuel sources and instead allow the planet itself to provide you with a limitless resource.
  • Clean energy: The air pollution that endangers the ozone layer and contributes to global warming comes from the emissions of burning fuel. Geothermal systems have almost zero emissions of any kind of harmful gas, such as carbon dioxide. Geothermal systems leave very little pollution behind them.

Geothermal energy has a bright and constantly growing future. When you have a geothermal heat pump installed in your home, you’re riding the next wave of energy technology for the benefit of Planet Earth.

Keep Your Geothermal Power Working for the Planet…And You

A malfunctioning geothermal heating and cooling system won’t do much good for anyone, so make sure that you keep up regular maintenance on your home’s system. Schedule yearly inspections and tune-ups, and always stay atop of repairs.

To handle all your needs for Fairfield, OH geothermal heat pumps, look to Bartels Heating & Cooling. We employee EPA- and NATE-certified technicians so you will receive the best work possible. Give us a call today to schedule your next service appointment.

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3 Reasons to Invest in Geothermal Heating

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Geothermal heating uses the heat of the earth to keep your home comfortable all winter long. No matter how cold the weather can be outside, the temperature just a few feet under the ground remains unchanged. A geothermal system uses that to facilitate a heat exchange – running coils or tubes filled with liquid to transfer the heat and take it back to your home.  But the up-front cost is enough so that you should carefully consider the benefits before making a decision. For more information about installing geothermal heating or any of our heating services in Fairfield, OH, give Bartels Heating & Cooling a call today.

Here are 3 reasons to invest in geothermal heating:

  • Lower bills. While the installation cost can be quite expensive, geothermal heating is extremely efficient with little wasted energy. That means it will cost less to heat your home from month to month than it would with a more traditional furnace. Geothermal systems can also provide very efficient air conditioning in the summer. A geothermal system may add resale value to your home, making it more attractive to potential buyers.
  • Eco Friendly. Geothermal heating system use little energy and produce no pollutants. That makes it a very “green” option for environmentally conscious homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Fewer repairs. Geothermal systems are known for their durability, and since most parts are located underground, they have few repair and maintenance needs. The underground pipe systems can last 50 years or more.

Other reasons to invest in geothermal heating can vary depending on the nature of your property. If you’re considering investing in a system, then the Fairfield, OH heating experts at Bartels Heating & Cooling can help. Not only can we install a geothermal system quickly and properly, but we can set up a regular maintenance schdule to ensure that it’s running as it should. Pick up the phone and give us a call today!

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Air Conditioning Repair Question: My Geothermal System Won’t Cool

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

Geothermal systems use a series of pipes buried in the soil to transfer heat between the ground and your house. In the summertime, the system absorbs heat out from your building and discharges it in the soil. In the winter, the process is reversed, as the system absorbs heat from the ground in order to warm your home. In Fairfield, OH, air conditioning specialists like Bartel’s Heating & Cooling have geothermal system experts available to address problems when they arise. If your geothermal system won’t cool for some reason, it’s time to give them a call.

Problems with a geothermal system can stem from a number of sources. Closed-loop systems use a heat exchanger to transfer heat between the antifreeze that circulates underground and the refrigerant in the heat pump, which heat or cools the air that is circulated in your home. A leak of either component could affect the system’s ability to cool your house. A trained professional can recharge the refrigerant or add additional levels of antifreeze, as wells as identifying the source of the leak and sealing it up.

Open loop systems, on the other hand, often use water in the underground loops; if the water flow is disrupted or cut off by damaged components within the system itself, it will impact the system’s ability to generate cool air. Dirty coils and filters in the heat pump could interfere with cool air as well, disrupting the flow of air and possibly affecting the pressure elsewhere in the system. It may also be a problem with the thermostat itself, which usually needs to be set to cool the house in the summer and heat the house in the winter. If it hasn’t been set properly, it may not be circulating cool air like it should.

Regardless of the causes, a non-functioning geothermal system requires trained experts to properly diagnose and repair. Bartel’s Heating & Cooling offers comprehensive geothermal maintenance and repair services. Our professional staff can diagnose your problem quickly, and we pride ourselves on customer satisfaction.

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