Bartels Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Diagnosing Noises from Your Heater

Monday, December 25th, 2017

woman-ears-covering-handsThe hum of your heating system as it starts its cycle as usual is, of course, nothing to be alarmed about. You know the normal noises your heating system makes, which means you know when something is off. Typically, a sound from your heating system may not mean that your system is in any immediate danger, but it often still means you should call in technicians ASAP.

Want to know what those noises really mean? Check out our guide to some common sounds below, but be sure to reach out to your local technicians for boiler or furnace repair the moment you notice a problem!

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A Quick Guide to Furnace Safety

Monday, December 11th, 2017

house-smoke-detectorAs winter draws near, there are a lot of things to concern yourself with around the house. Winterizing the home means covering windows, filling up air leaks and tackling drafts, packing up the garden hose and winterizing the outdoor faucets, and insulating wherever you can. It means checking the storm drains again, inspecting the fireplace and chimney, and digging winter décor and blankets out of storage.

But perhaps the simplest step, you may think, is to switch that thermostat over to heating mode and turn up the temperature. Well, experts say there’s more to it than that. With all the work you have this winter, let’s not forget about home safety, first and foremost—particularly when it comes to a furnace that runs on natural gas.

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4 Common HVAC (Heating & AC) Misconceptions

Monday, November 27th, 2017

thermostat-manual-dialHeating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems may not be the simplest of systems in a home, but you know enough to get by. You know how to use your thermostat—for the most part—and how to save some energy while you use it. For example, you should shut the vents in a room you’re not using so you don’t waste it…right? Most HVAC experts would tell you that one’s not quite right.

Homeowners mean well, but many of the things they think they believe about air conditioning and heating systems are just common misconceptions. We want to help clear up the idea of closing up vents and other common myths in today’s guide.

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How to Make Your Heating System More Efficient

Monday, November 13th, 2017

money-out-chimneyAs the temperatures outside drop, the cost of heating your home becomes higher and higher. This is to be expected, of course, as the furnace has to run for longer to keep you warm. However, at some point during your homeownership, you may find out that you pay much more than you should have to! Maybe a neighbor tells you that they pay way less than you do to heat a similarly sized home, or perhaps you’ve just realized you’re spending more than you did last year.

It might be possible to get your heating system running at a higher efficiency so that you can save more over time. Read our tips and speak to our team to learn more!

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5 Signs You Need Heating Repair

Monday, October 30th, 2017

heater-radiator-womanWorried your heater could break down at any moment? If you don’t know the signs that a heater needs repair, maybe you should be. It’s never fun to have to repair a heating system, but it’s even worse when your heater has broken down completely, calling for an emergency repair that could cost you even more.

Experts say it’s important to repair a heating system early in order to avoid sudden system breakdowns and higher repair costs. In addition, the sooner you repair your system, the lower your monthly bills may be, and the longer your system can last. Check out the signs you may have a heater in need of repair sooner rather than later.

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Finding the Right Heating Technicians for Your Home

Monday, October 16th, 2017

This year, we were awarded contractor of the year!

In some parts of the country, heating systems are used so sparsely that they rarely have to deal with a technician at all. However, in our climate, heating systems suffer a lot of breakdowns. Calling in technicians can become a regular thing—especially if you don’t work with a quality company and end up having to call in someone else to fix their mistakes! It’s always better to find the right technician to work with the first time around, and to choose a company you’ll want to work with time and time again.

How can you find the right company for the job? While it might require a bit of trial and error, following our tips can help you find a contractor you feel safe and comfortable having in your home. For more information, or to schedule your HVAC service in Fairfield, OH, give Bartels Heating & Cooling a call!

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How to Prevent Furnace Repair

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

heating-furnace-repair-technicianMost people never call in a contractor until something in the home breaks. And yet, when it comes to your heating system, many of the repairs you make within a year are largely preventable. The furnace is something you want to avoid repairing in the middle of the winter, when you need your heating system the most. Getting ahead of furnace repairs and maintenance early in the season will help you keep things under control later on.

Let our expert technicians help you understand why it’s important to keep a furnace well-maintained, and what you can do to prevent repairs. Follow these tips in order to make sure you’re safe and comfortable in colder weather.

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Which Heating Installation Is Best for Your Home?

Monday, September 18th, 2017

natural-gas-burners-flame-furnaceThe chill of winter gives you an excuse to curl up in bed with a blanket for a little longer, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best way to keep warm. Of course, your home’s central heating system is the most effective way to cool off, assuming you have one that’s the right fit. Sizing, efficiency rating, style of heater, and more have an effect on whether you feel warm enough throughout the winter (and not just on lazy mornings spent in bed).

Let our heating experts help you locate the best heating installation for your home—before temperatures drop any more. Give yourself time to consider your options, if you can. Contact our team, and check out the guide below for a primer on the best heating installations for any home.

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3 Reasons to Replace an Older Thermostat

Monday, February 20th, 2017

thermostat-manual-dialThe thermostat is the only part of the heating and air conditioning systems you really interact with. So by now, you may have gotten used to the settings or perhaps the little peculiarities of the controls. Many people keep the same thermostat around for years, even after major heating repairs or even system replacements.

But if you have an older thermostat that has not been replaced for quite a while—perhaps not since before you moved in—it’s time to consider moving on. You can get a thermostat that is much easier to navigate or has far more options than you’re working with now.

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How to Tell It’s Time for a Heating System Upgrade

Monday, February 6th, 2017

Inside a Natural Gas FurnaceIt’s something you may try to put off for as long as you can. Having to replace an older heating system may not be the ideal situation to find yourself in, but it’s important to recognize it when it comes. If you continue to run a furnace or boiler on the verge of a breakdown, it may fail when you really need it, and it probably costs a lot to run anyway.

Take note and check your heating system, or ask your technician if heating replacement is the better option. Here are some common signs that it’s time to upgrade your heating system to a more efficient, reliable unit.

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