Bartels Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Cincinnati’

Are Heat Pumps Really That Great?

Monday, June 10th, 2019

cool-house-hot-houseYou probably landed on this blog post because you’re currently thinking about replacing your old AC before the summer heat starts. You’ve heard about heat pumps and how they are an excellent option for an HVAC replacement since they work as both cooling and heating systems. But are heat pumps really good options for you to consider? Are they really as fantastic as you hear?

The answer is “Yes, but …” We’ll explain more below.

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Tips For Keeping Your Home Cool This Summer

Monday, May 27th, 2019

When temperatures skyrocket, our first instinct is to run our air conditioners at full blast. Though the relief is almost instantaneous (or at least it should be), this is quite problematic. Running your air conditioner at full capacity or at its lowest temperature setting can make a real dent in your wallet. Before you know it, you’ll be seeing high energy bills and increased wear and tear on the system. So, what do you do?

It is quite possible that you can keep your home nice and cool this summer without relying solely on your AC, and below, we are going to tell you how! All you have to do is keep reading to find out more! 

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Wait!! Does Your AC Need Repairs?

Monday, May 13th, 2019

ac-condenser-moneyWith summer well on its way, you want to be sure that your air conditioner is equipped to take on the heat! Summer temperatures will leave you yearning for the cooling relief that only your air conditioner can provide, so of course, it makes sense to take care of any repairs before the season actually begins!

There are quite a few signs that suggest you are in need of professional air conditioning repair in Cincinnati, OH, and below, we’ve listed some of these signs for you. Remember, it is in your best interest to schedule repairs at the first sign of a problem, so if any of the following apply to you, make sure you pick up the phone and call!

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Make Sure Your AC Is Ready for Summer!

Monday, April 29th, 2019

service-timeIt’s time to get those summer gears grinding, and if that means you still have to schedule your air conditioning services, don’t wait any longer! Temperatures are rising, and before you know it, summer will be here in full-force. Picnics, barbeques, tanning, and eating ice cream are likely at the top of your priority list, but scheduling your AC tune-up is just as important!

Scheduling your air conditioning tune-up now is an important step in ensuring that your system is equipped to keep you cool and comfortable all summer long. In fact, there are many reasons to get ahead and have your services done now, and below, we’ve listed some of these reasons for you. So in case you are not yet convinced, keep on reading! 

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Is it Time for a New Boiler?

Monday, December 24th, 2018

boilerKnowing the right time to upgrade your boiler system can be a huge benefit to you and your home. Outdated boilers ultimately end up costing you a lot of time and money on repairs. Plus, they are often inefficient. Sure, deciding where to put your money can be a daunting task: do you repair the boiler you already own or do you invest in a new one? Here at Bartels Heating & Cooling, our technicians are ready to guide you through every step of the decision-making process. So if you are looking for heater installation in Cincinnati, OH, give us a call.

If you feel that it is time for a replacement, don’t hesitate to schedule a visit from an HVAC technician. Winters here in Ohio can get quite cold, and we want you to be cozy all winter long. Below we have provided a list of signs that indicate it’s time for a new boiler. 

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Is a Furnace the Way to Go?

Monday, October 29th, 2018

furnaceMaybe. We apologize if that is not quite as satisfactory of an answer as you were hoping for, but it is the best we can give right off the bat. Before we can really advise you about which heating system is best suited for your home, your personal user preferences, and your budget, we need to know more about factors. With that in mind, however, we do want to share some information that should help you to better understand just why furnaces are so popular among homeowners.

It is not a coincidence that furnaces remain the most popular of all home heating systems, after all. Does this mean that they are perfect for every home and every homeowner? No, of course not. But the furnace just might be the perfect fit for your home heating needs. Just remember that you’ll need to schedule professional furnace services if you want to get the most from your system, including the occasional furnace repair in Cincinnati, OH.

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Tips for Enjoying Efficient Heating

Monday, October 15th, 2018

cold-manIf you came here looking for tips about how you can heat your home for free, you will need to find yourself a less trustworthy and fact-based blog to do so. The fact of the matter is that you have to pay in order to heat your home, regardless of what type of heating system that you use to do so. This doesn’t mean that you should have to overpay in order to enjoy consistent and reliable heating in your residence, however. That is why we’re going to share some tips for more efficient heating in Cincinnati, OH, today.

Some of these tips are simple. Others require a bit more thought about what you can invest in your heating equipment. As always, though, our team is here to walk you through any questions that you may have. We are not here to line our pockets by upselling you on anything that you do not need. We are here to ensure that you are able to enjoy truly exceptional heating with a reasonable price tag in your home, no matter how cold it may get outside.

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Here’s Why You Need to Hire a Professional HVAC Contractor

Monday, August 20th, 2018

HVAC-installerDIY enthusiasts take note—there are a lot of jobs out there that simply demand the level of skill and expertise that only trained professionals can deliver. Don’t take this as a challenge. We’ve only got your best interest in mind. Working with a professional HVAC contractor in Cincinnati, OH is the best way in which to ensure that your HVAC system continues to work at peak performance and efficiency levels.

We understand that you may be a bit skeptical, especially in this day and age when it seems like everything you need to know can be condensed into a 3-minute internet tutorial video. Chances are that the individuals behind such tutorials are not really qualified to be doling out that kind of instruction either, though. If you’re serious about getting the very best that your air conditioner and/or heating system has to offer, then keep reading to learn why working with a pro is always the way to go.

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What Conditions Cause Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Monday, June 25th, 2018

woman-blowing-noseDuring the summer season, most homeowners think first and foremost of their air conditioning systems when it comes to keeping their homes comfortable. In the winter, that focus obviously shifts over to the heating system that they use to warm up their homes for comfortable living.  While maintaining comfortable temperatures is important, however, it really is just a part of the picture.  There is one influencing factor that is both very important to comfort all year long, as well as frequently overlooked.

That factor is indoor air quality. Now, you may assume that the air in your home is at least of a higher quality than the air outside. However,  that is not true. You may also think that there is not really much that you can do in order to improve indoor air quality. That too is wrong, though. With the use of devices such as air purifiers in Cincinnati, OH, you really can boost the quality of the air that surrounds you at home.

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Fixing an AC Water Leak

Monday, June 11th, 2018

red-thermometerA heating system like a gas furnace or an old oil boiler creates new heat by combusting fuel. An air conditioner, on the other hand, doesn’t create new “coolness”. That coolness that you feel as the AC circulates cooled air throughout your home is actually the lack of heat. How does an air conditioner remove heat from the air in your home? Through the evaporation of refrigerant.

At no point in the process does an air conditioner (with the exception of an evaporative cooler) use water in its operation. So how is it that you’ve noticed water leaking from your air conditioner? Are you seeing things that aren’t there? Fortunately, no. It is entirely possible for water to be “leaking” from your AC. However,  it is not really a “leak” in the terms that you’re thinking of. Read on to learn more about this phenomenon, its causes, and when to schedule air conditioning repair in Cincinnati, OH.

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